by Debbie | Sep 21, 2020 | Community, Featured Posts, Gardening, Social Therapeutic Horticulture, Sustainability
The young members of our Warrah community who built our lovely Farm Shop chicken coop are at it again! This time their TAFE Certificate in Work Education program has them building a horticultural therapy spiral garden. Constructing the garden is furthering the...
by jeremy | Jul 12, 2020 | Biodynamic Farming, Community, Featured Posts, Gardening, Sustainability
We are pleased to announce that we are now taking registrations for our first Backyard Veg Workshop Series! Keen to up your veggie gardening game, but still not completely sure about a whole lot of things? I’ve watched 100 videos on YouTube and now I really don’t...
by Debbie | May 5, 2020 | Community, Gardening, Sustainability
It is easy to be overwhelmed and discouraged by the immense selection of gardening tools on the market. Do not be tricked into thinking you need a shed full! Simply put – a wheelbarrow, shovel, fork, rake, three tined cultivator and trowel will get you pretty...
by Debbie | May 5, 2020 | Community, Gardening, Sustainability
Some people make the mistake of assuming that organic farmers manage without ever using pesticides. We certainly never use synthetically derived pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. Our focus is always on encouraging biodiversity, crop rotation and soil health on...
by Debbie | May 5, 2020 | Community, Gardening, Sustainability
You can make your own compost out of kitchen scraps and all sort of organic matter around the house and the garden. Compost is a vital component of any food system – so don’t overlook it when you start gardening. There is so much information available...
by Debbie | May 4, 2020 | Community, Gardening, Sustainability
The question of whether or not to dig the soil in your garden is quite a contentious issue and one that we encourage you to experiment with. While digging is what most of us expect to have to do when growing veggies, there is plenty of information emerging on why a...