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Anyone who has visited us when the sunflowers are in full bloom will have been awed by their beauty. Perhaps it has not even crossed your mind though to ask why sunflowers are planted here – when our focus is on fresh produce.

There are multiple reasons for choosing them – quite apart from their sheer loveliness:

  • Sunflowers are planted next to cucumbers and zucchinis to aid in pollination.
  • They promote insect and bird activity – which not only delights us all over again, but also provides pollination. Some birds and insects form part of an organic pest management approach.
  • Social therapeutic horticulture is a cornerstone of our work supporting people who live with disability and large seeds make it easy to include many people in sowing the bed.
  • Sunflowers are a crop that many people can join in harvesting.
  • Once the stems are cut back, they are mulched and used in compost.